Co robić? Inspiruj się! Każdy przycisk to jakaś losowa inspiracja, która zaprogramuje Ciebie do postąpienia kroku ku rozumieniu świata, Wielkości i poczuciu kontroli naw własnym życiem.
I know. I know you can fight. But it's out wits that make us men.
Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow her.
First, learn to use this (mind), then I'll teach you to use this
I am William Wallace, and the rest of you will be spared. Go
back to England, and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and her
sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free. Burn it.
William: From his king? Absolutely. Here are Scotland's terms. Lower your
flags, and march straight back to England, stopping at every home to beg
forgiveness for 100 years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your
men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today. <br>
Cheltham: You are outmatched. You have no heavy cavalry. In two centuries
no army has won without–. <br>
William: I'm not finished. Before we let you leave, your commander must
cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between
his legs, and kiss his own ass.
William: A lordship and titles. Gold. That I should become Judas? <br>
Isabella: Peace is made in such ways. <br>
William: Slaves are made in such ways. <br>
William: I have been given nothing. God makes men what they are.
Robert: Wait! I respect what you said, but remember that these men have
lands and castles. It's much to risk.
William: And the common man who bleeds on the battlefield, does he risk
Ci ludzie w lesie – co w nich widziałeś? [...] Strach.
Głęboki, toczący [wnętrzności] strach. Byli nim zarażeni.
Strach jest chorobą. Wpełznie do duszy każdego, kto się
z nim zetknie. Już naruszył twój spokój. Nie po to
kształciłem cię, by widzieć, jak żyjesz w strachu.
Wygoń strach ze swego serca. Nie wnieś go do naszej wioski.