ma budzić. Ma inspirować. Właściwe słowo we właściwej chwili może zmienić świat 一
umysłemrękami gotowego na te słowa człowieka.

Wynn Bullock

Sentencje w bazie Gavagai:

If you stop searching, you stop living, because then you're dwelling in the past. If you're not reaching forward to any growth or future, you might as well be dead.

Wynn Bullock Zobacz Głębia: -

Whenever I have found myself stuck in the ways I relate to things, I return to nature. It is my principal teacher, and I try to open my whole being to what it has to say.

Wynn Bullock Zobacz Głębia: -

I totally disagree with the belief that nature was only made for the use of people. Human beings are not the center of the universe, and, if they are to sustain themselves, it is vitally important for them to be awakened to how closely they are linked with the rest of nature.

Wynn Bullock Zobacz Głębia: -

Human beings to me are as much a part of nature as trees or birds, and the unclothed body expresses this belongingness directly and powerfully.

Wynn Bullock Zobacz Głębia: -

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Sztuka wojny, 36 forteli, Sun Tzu, historia Chin, kultura chińska, piękne opowieści, pięken sentencje, najlepsze tłumaczenie Sztuka wojny (The Art of War)