Co robić? Inspiruj się! Każdy przycisk to jakaś losowa inspiracja, która zaprogramuje Ciebie do postąpienia kroku ku rozumieniu świata, Wielkości i poczuciu kontroli naw własnym życiem.
You'll have seen, at one time or another, some great painting that reached out and captured you, heard a piece of music that was genius made audible, read a book that was beyond question one of the everlasting books? Then you know how all those things have one element in common, the fact you can come back and back to them. You can look, and look again, at the painting without ever exhausting what's to be found in it. You can listen to the music over and over, and each time find something new in it. You can read and reread the book without ever getting out of it all thats there for you to discover and enjoy.You see, what makes all your returning to these things possible is their capability of triggering off in you an infinity of discoveries; and they can do this because there is an infinity of things to be discovered put into them by the creator. That infinity of possibilities could never be marshaled together consciously by one human mind and put to work on one piece of canvas, one succession of sounds, one succession of printed words. You know that. But still, there they are. They did not exist before, and now they do. There was no way they could have come into existence except by being put there by human being who made each of them. And there was only one way he or she could have accomplished that – the maker had to have built not only with his conscious mind, which is precise but limited in how much it can conceive at any one time, but also with the unconscious, which knows no limits, and can bring all life's observations, all life's experience, to bear on a single rendered shape, sound or word, placed just so among it's fellow shapes, sounds or words. And thats what I call intuitive logic.
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<p>Urodził się w Kanadzie. W wieku 13 lat (w 1936 lub 1937) wyemigrował do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie w latach 1943 do 1946 służył w armii. Ukończył Uniwersytet Stanowy Minnesoty. Większość swojego życia spędził w Minneapolis w Minnesocie. Pierwszą powieść Alien From Arcturus wydał w 1956.</p>