Co robić? Inspiruj się! Każdy przycisk to jakaś losowa inspiracja, która zaprogramuje Ciebie do postąpienia kroku ku rozumieniu świata, Wielkości i poczuciu kontroli naw własnym życiem.
[...] Not even that. Because the priests say the God created our souls, and that just puts us under control of another puppeteer. If God created our will, then he's responsible for every choice we make. God, our genes, our environment, or some stupid programmer keying in code at an ancient terminal ” there's no way free will can ever exist if we as individuals are the result of some external cause.So ” as I recall, the official philosophical answer is that free will doesn't exist. Only the illusion of free will, because the causes of our behavior are so complex that we can't trace them back.You just don't want to admit that there's a chance that you might live, because then you'd start to fear death. But Wang„mu said nothing, because this was one of the first lessons she learned from Master Han.
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