You have grown up in a culture which has taught you taht you are not responsible for your feelings even though the syllogistic truth is that you always were. You've learned a host of sayings to defend yourself against the fact that you do not control your feelings. Here is a brief list of such utterances that you have used over and over:
You hurt my feelings | „I hurt my feelings because of the things I told myself about your reaction to me. |
You make me feel bad. | I made myself feel bad. |
I can't help the way I feel. | I can help the way I feel, but I've chosen to feel upset. |
I just feel angry, don't ask me to explain it. | I've decided to be angry, because I can usually manipulate others with my anger, since they think I control them. |
He makes me sick. | I make myself sick. |
Heights scare me. | I scare myself at high places. |
You are embarassing me. | I'm embarrassing myself. |
She really turns me on. | I turn myself on whenever I'm near her.„ |
You made a fool of me in public. | I made myself feel foolish by taking your opinions of me more seriously than my own, and believing that others would do the same. |
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.Wayne Dyer
I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.Wayne Dyer
Łatwo jest policzyć, ile jest pestek w jabłku, lecz któż spośród nas zdoła policzyć, ile jest jabłek w jednej pestce?Wayne Dyer
Najlepsza sztuka urzeczywistnienia swoich snów jest obudzić się.Wayne Dyer
Spokój jest rezultatem przeorientowania twojego umysłu do przetwarzania zdarzeń życia takim, jakie ono jest, a nie takim, jakie myślisz, że powinno być.Wayne Dyer
Zobacz wszystkie sentencje w repozytoriumNigdy nie myśl za mało o swojej sile do zmiany samego siebie; nigdy nie przeceniaj swojej siły do zmiany innych.Wayne Dyer