Słowo „polityka” (ang. politics) składa się z dwóch słów: „poly” oznaczającego wiele oraz „ticks” (ang. kleszcze), oznaczające spijające krew pasożyty.
Nie PATRZ na wszystkie rzeczy w laboratorium fizyki, nie SMAKUJ wszystkiego w laboratorium chemicznym. Nie WĄCHAJ wszystkiego w laboratorium medycznym... a najważniejsze, nie SŁUCHAJ wszystkiego na wydziale filozofii.
Were this thinking not in the framework of scientific work, it would
be considered paranoid. In scientific work, creative thinking demands
seeing things not seen previously, or in ways not previously imagined;
and this necessitates jumping off from 'normal' positions, and taking
risks by departing from reality. The difference between the thinking
of the paranoid patient and the scientist comes from the latter's ability
and willingness to test out his fantasies or grandiose conceptualizations
through the systems of checks and balances science has established – -
and to give up those schemes that are shown not to be valid on the basis
of these scientific checks. It is specifically because science provides
such a framework of rules and regulations to control and set bounds
to paranoid thinking that a scientist can feel comfortable about taking
the paranoid leaps. Without this structuring, the threat of such unrealistic,
illogical, and even bizarre thinking to overall thought and personality
organization in general would be too great to permit the scientist the
freedom of such fantasying.